

/"Why are the police here?/" Genevieve asks as we peak around the side of the castle

In front of the castle there are double, possibly even triple, of the guards there was yesterday.

Accompanying the copious amount of guards are about a dozen police men and women.

I have no clue what is happening, but I feel like my mother has something to do with it.

She always does.

/"I have no clue,/" I admit

Just as I have made up my mind that this is definitely my mother's doing I hear a loud siren coming our way.

What the-

A fire truck pulls through the gates as well as a black S.W.A.T van.

Oh my god.

This is really bad!

I duck back behind the corner when I notice someone glance in our direction.


Think. Think. Think!

/"Do you think that they have checked my bedroom?/" I ask

The brunette shrugs.