

I ignore this and strip out of my cropped shirt, shorts and bra in record breaking time.

/"From there he alerted your mother and we both know how...unnecessary she can be sometimes,/" he says as I step into the dress and zip it up

The dress is floor length, pooling around my feet. The top half of it has multilayered ruffles that are intended to rest against the lower bicep area, exposing the chest and shoulders.

I have to admit that I am thoroughly amused with how good my breasts look in this dress.

The entire stomach area of the dress is similar to that of a corset, from the pattern-esque boning covered in a similar white fabric of the rest of the dress, to the thin see through tulle fabric of the gaps.


This dress fits way better than I originally thought it would.

/"Oddly enough Prince Bane showed up just before your Mother called the authorities/" he says which immediately catches my attention