

/"Did you bring your disguise?/" She asks me as we make our way towards my G-Wagen

I take a moment to think over her question.


I brought my sunglasses, but I forgot my baseball cap.

Eh, it's fine.

The sun is going down, plus I seriously doubt that the paparazzi would be waiting outside of a Subway.

/"I forgot my hat, but it's fine,/" I assure her

The two of us begin to descend the stone steps that lead towards my truck.

/"I'm probably not going to get out of the car anyway/" I shrug

The blue haired girl is silent for a few moments as we continue to descend the large staircase.

She only chooses to speak up again once we reach my truck.

/"You haven't eaten all day,/" she realizes

I feel my body tense up at this.

'Shit, she's onto us'

I avoid eye contact with Bea as I unlock the truck and climb up into the large vehicle.