

I smoothly roll into my driveway, parking a few feet away from Bea's car.

The two of us silently climb out of my truck, not wanting to disrupt anyone in the complex.

We take no time at all to make our way around my truck.

It is only when I go to walk up to my front door that the blue haired girl stops me from doing so, resting her hand on my bicep.

I furrow my eyebrows with obvious confusion, but turn my body around to face her nonetheless.

/"I know that you said you weren't hungry,/" she starts off

My body immediately freezes at this.


I told her not to get me anything.

/"But I got you something anyway,/" she releases her hold on my clothes bicep before bringing her bag in between our bodies

I watch her as she sticks her hand in the plastic bag, retrieving a neatly wrapped, half foot long sandwich.

She holds the sandwich out to me with a small smile.