Delaney's POV
/"Alright, everyone take five!/" The balding male director says from behind the camera
Thank goodness!
Me, along with my three companions, have been sitting underneath these really bright stage lights for five hours straight!
I am still not one hundred percent sure why I'm even here.
The three girls sitting on either side of me all have an extensive acting experience.
Then there's me, the girl from YouTube.
The ginger haired girl a few feet away from me who was assigned with drinking banana milk has been in way more Christmas movies than I can count!
The blonde haired girl sitting next to her who has been assigned with drinking vanilla milk has been a main character on a major Netflix show since she was five!
And last but not least, the black haired girl who is sitting on the other side of me who was assigned with drinking chocolate milk has been in multiple different projects actually.
She's been in Hallmark Movies, Christmas Movies, Disney Movies, R Rated Movies, She's even voiced multiple animated characters!
They're all the same age as me!
Just sitting next to them makes me feel like I am unworthy of their presence.
They are all way more experienced than I am and honestly it is very intimidating.
I feel very out of place.
About a week ago a nice woman emailed me using the email address in the description box of my YouTube videos.
Wait...let me backtrack a bit.
I make short YouTube videos where I cover some of my favorite songs by my favorite musical artists.
Mostly pop and rap.
Not only can I sing, but I can also play a handful of instruments.
The piano, acoustic guitar and electric drums just to name a few.
Well technically I'm still learning to play the electric drums.
My mother taught me how to play the basics when I showed interest in the matter.
I would never mention this to her face, but I think that she was overjoyed when I showed interest in music.
It was like another thing that the both of us could bond over.
She was actually in a band with her best friends when they were all in high school!
Albeit them disbanding two years later due to school taking up all of their time, I personally think that their music was really catchy.
I mean- it was the nineties after all.
I do this whole singing thing not only because I find it enjoyable, but also because I think that it's incredibly relaxing.
Sometimes it even helps me go to sleep.
My mom was understandably worried when the mystery woman reached out to us at first claiming to be a talent manager.
I suggested that she do some research on the woman considering we already had her full name.
Thank goodness that I did because I found out that she reps some of the biggest names in music today.
I wish to be as big as them some day.
Sure my name is currently trending on certain social media platforms, but 'trends' come and go within a week.
If I really want to prove myself I need to work hard for this.
Harder than I have worked for anything in my entire life.
That's not saying much considering I'm only ten, but you get the point.
I grab a bottle of apple juice and grape juice from the craft service table, desperately wanting to get the taste of the fake strawberry milk off of my tastebuds.
From my knowledge the fake milk is made out of water, food coloring and flour.
Or was it mashed potato flakes?
I guess the flour is to thicken it due to water being pretty dense?
I don't really know, but oh my god it's gross as hell!
I uncap both bottles of juice before pouring both of them into my mouth.
Surprisingly I do not spill any all over me.
I down both of these fruit juices in no time, placing the empty bottles down on the large table beside me.
/"Hey, aren't you that girl from YouTube?/" I hear someone ask as they approach the table
Wait- someone recognizes me?
I slowly turn to face the person only for my eyes to practically bulge out of their sockets.
The raven haired girl is calmly leaning one of her hands against the flat surface of the tabletop while her amused brown eyes stay trained on me, an equally as amused smirk resting on her lips.
Oh my god!
The McKenna is talking to me!
I swallow my mouthful of juice before responding.
It would be so embarrassing if I accidentally spit my drink out on her.
Especially during our first meeting.
/"Y-Yeah,/" I nervously confirm her suspicions
I awkwardly hold one of my hands out for her to shake.
/"My name is Delaney/" I introduce myself
Her brown eyes slowly trail down my face, resting on my chin for a bit longer than expected.
At least I think that she's staring at my chin.
Honestly, I'm internally freaking out by the fact that she's checking me out in general.
Her brown eyes soon trail back up my face until they reach my equally as brown eyes.
I feel butterflies in my stomach at the sight of her smirk turning into a genuine smile.
/"Hi Delaney,/" she greets me back
I practically melt at the feeling of her hand meeting mine.
She takes my hand with a firm grasp, shaking our hands up and down twice before releasing her hold on me, much to my dismay.
/"I'm Hunter, but everyone calls me 'McKenna'/" she informs me
I furrow my eyebrows at this piece of information.
Is she being serious right now?
I carefully watch her as she grabs my empty juice bottles and disposes of them.
/"Really?/" I ask, sounding more surprised than intended
The raven haired girl notices this and raises an eyebrow at me.
/"Because I'm-/" I tell her with honesty
I briefly glance away from her when I realize that all of her attention is on me.
/"I mean- I don't understand why you would trust me with this information, we literally just met/" the words just flow out of my mouth
The raven haired girl stares at me for a few moments, an amused smirk resting on her oddly symmetrical face.
What is she thinking?
Oh no-
Did I already make a horrible impression of myself?!
The first celebrity that I meet face to face and I ruin it within two minutes of us speaking!
You can imagine my shock when she suddenly begins approaching me.
Oh my god!
I stay frozen, curious to see this through.
The raven haired girl takes three confident steps forward, stopping a few inches in front of me.
I barely register my heartbeat gradually speeding up, leading towards my rather hurried exhales.
Thankfully I am still breathing through my nose.
Well, this is only a good thing if I do not accidentally shoot a snot booger at her.
My eyes widen with panic at this possible scenario.
Oh my god!
Delaney Park Carson!
Why would you put that scenario in your head?!
Now that is that I'm going to think about every time I talk to her!
The raven haired girl brings a damp napkin up to my face.
I go to flinch at the thought of the napkin being wet with an unknown substance but I quickly relax when I notice that there is an opened water bottle in her other hand.
When did she grab these?
Her brown eyes are focused, specifically on my lips.
Oh my god.
She's looking at my lips!
I should have put some lipgloss on.