Delaney's POV
She is surprisingly gentle as she drags the damp paper towel along the corner of my lip.
This only takes two seconds before her brown eyes glance back up into mine again.
/"Who said I trusted you?/" She smirks
I become further confused at this.
Her facial expression says that she is just playing with me, but her tone is saying the opposite.
She calmly throws the napkin away before walking away from me, gracefully chugging the bottle of water effortlessly.
I seriously need to know what is going through that girl's head.
/"Delaney!/" I hear someone call my name
I quickly glance in the direction that the voice came from only for my eyes to land on my manager who is using her hand to motion for me to come over to her.
I quickly jog over to the older woman.
As I approach her I notice that she seems rather unhappy.
Oh no.
I did something wrong, didn't I?
/"Yeah?/" I ask as I stop in front of the unhappy woman
At the sound of my voice she takes her attention off of her cellphone and puts all of it on me.
/"What are you trying to sell me?/" She asks
I furrow my eyebrows at this question, not understanding what she is asking of me.
/"Flavored milk powder, repeat after me/" she says
I nod my head respectfully.
/"Flavored milk powder/" I voice at the same time that she does
/"I'm not getting the impression that you like what you're advertising,/" she immediately follows up
Because I don't.
I am basically drinking colored mashed potato water.
No person likes that.
/"You need to smile more, smiling increases sales of the product that you're advertising/" she informs me with a hard tone
I silently nod my head at her, gulping due to nervousness.
She gives me a singular head nod.
/"Good,/" she goes to walk away but pauses before she gets too far
/"You should also sit up straighter in your chair to look thinner.../" the older woman hesitates, seemingly wanting to add something else
She does this for a few seconds before muttering actual words again.
/"You're more marketable that way/" is the last thing she says before making her way towards the director
I have to be honest, what she said hurts.
I mean I don't have a problem with my weight, but I don't know.
My eyes shift down towards my stomach that is covered by a plain black fitted tee.
I notice that my stomach looks larger than it usually does due to the tee being so fitted.
I guess that I could try eating a bit less than I normally do.
Maybe I could even try exercising.
I glance around me, noticing that all of the girls are making their way towards the very bright set.
I should follow them.
I hurriedly follow after them, not wishing to hold up filming.
/"I know you're all tired of sitting underneath these lights,/" the stage director chuckles as they stand near the director
The girls and I turn to face them as we take our respective seats.
/"I want you all to just have fun with this take,/" they tell us
What does that even mean?
How can we do that if we still have to follow the script?
Whatever, I'll figure it out.
They briefly say something to the director, who is currently sat behind that huge camera.
/"And...Action!/" They call out
/"Leche en polvo! Now in new flavors!/" McKenna yells out with a huge smile
The large camera pans over towards the ginger haired girl.
/"Banana!/" She yells out equally as excited before taking a sip of the 'milk'
I quickly glance over towards my manager.
The woman, noticing this, makes a motion with her hands that tells me to sit up straighter and smile.
I immediately do as she says, not wanting to disappoint.
She is helping me with all of this after all.
/"Vanilla!/" The blonde haired girl yells out next
Same as the ginger haired girl, she takes a sip of the liquid.
I'm next.
I release a small breath of air to calm my nerves before plastering on a smile as big as hers.
/"Strawberry!/" I scream out with faux enthusiasm
I bring the glass of liquid up to my lips and take a sip.
At the feeling of this liquid touching my tongue I immediately feel the urge to spit it out.
I have no clue if someone added something to my drink or just switched it, but it is one hundred percent thicker than it once was.
It has a texture similar to that of curdled milk.
I quickly remove the glass bottle away from my mouth and turn my head around to spit the liquid out behind me.
Better on the floor than the multi thousand dollar camera in front of me.
Unfortunately for me my aim was a bit far off.
Instead of the 'milk' hitting the set floor it hits an actual person.
I hear a surprised gasp mid spit take.
This gasp is followed by multiple other gasps.
As soon as the liquid is out of my mouth my eyes snap open.
To say the sight before me was humorous would be a complete lie.
McKenna, who I have come to know is actually named Hunter, is wet.
There is a light pink liquid dripping down her face and neck.
A bit of her raven hair has the light pink liquid in it too as well as her white fitted tee.
The girl brings her hands up wipe the liquid off of her eyelids.
As I am met with her brown eyes I instantly recognize the unfiltered fury swirling in them.
Oh no!
/"McKenna, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to-/" I immediately apologize to her
I really do not want there to be any bad blood between us.
I just met her for heavens sake!
The raven haired girl's jaw tightens at the sound of my voice.
She reaches one of her hands out to grab ahold of her glass of 'chocolate milk'.
I furrow my eyebrows at this.
She's- She's still going through with the commercial?
She really is a professional.
I am further confused when the black haired girl turns to face me, an angered look still on her face.
I go to ask her what she is doing only to gasp as she pours the contents of her glass over the top of my head.
Oh my god...
That really just happened...
/"You just made a very powerful enemy, D-lister/" the girl mutters lowly
I continue to stare at the floor with shock, not wanting to get the concoction in my eyes, as she shoots up from her plastic chair and storms off of the set.
/"And...Cut!/" The director behind the camera loudly calls out
A loud bells follows his voice.
It sounds similar to those bells that you hear in between classes in public school.
/"Um...that was a great take girls,/" the stage director says with obvious hesitation
/"You're all free to leave/" they say before walking away
The two actresses who were sat beside me waste no time as they scramble up from their plastic chairs and get as far away from me as they possibly can.
I just singlehandedly upset one of the biggest child actresses in Hollywood.
I am surely going to suffer major consequences for this.