/"Did you bring your disguise?/" She asks me as we make our way towards my G-Wagen
I take a moment to think over her question.
I brought my sunglasses, but I forgot my baseball cap.
Eh, it's fine.
The sun is going down, plus I seriously doubt that the paparazzi would be waiting outside of a Subway.
/"I forgot my hat, but it's fine,/" I assure her
The two of us begin to descend the stone steps that lead towards my truck.
/"I'm probably not going to get out of the car anyway/" I shrug
The blue haired girl is silent for a few moments as we continue to descend the large staircase.
She only chooses to speak up again once we reach my truck.
/"You haven't eaten all day,/" she realizes
I feel my body tense up at this.
'Shit, she's onto us'
I avoid eye contact with Bea as I unlock the truck and climb up into the large vehicle.
/"I can share half of my sandwich with you-/" she begins to offer
'Don't take her up on her offer,' the voice inside of my head hisses as my best friend climbs into the passenger seat
'Nicole definitely would not rep you anymore if she found out that you gained weight,'
'She barely wanted to rep you a year ago when you were fifty pounds heavier,'
'You can trust me, I wouldn't lie to you' the voice states
/"No!/" I cut her off rather rudely
My friend is shocked by this considering how wide her eyes are staring at me.
/"Uhm-/" I try to think of a believable excuse
/"I'm really tired,/" I give her a small smile
/"I barely slept last night/" I elaborate
My best friend releases a breath of relief at this explanation.
/"You do know that it would've taken way less time if you would have just said that you and Sean were up all night getting it on/" she assumes with a perverted smirk
I do not react to her assumption as I throw my backpack into the backseat, Bea following after me.
I do not have the heart to correct her considering that it is a pretty good coverup.
In all honesty Sean and I haven't had sex with each other in... about three weeks?
It is not that I haven't been horny, it's just not pleasurable.
The sex is pretty vanilla and boring.
All he wants to do is missionary all of the time!
On top of that he is absolutely clueless when it comes to woman's bodies.
He can never find my gspot, yet the one time that he did he completely ruined the sensation when he practically tried to set my clit on fire!
Just because I tell you that 'I'm close' does not mean that you speed up your pace, keep the same tempo!
I have sat him down multiple times and voiced my concerns to him, I even offered him pointers!
Alas he either did not listen or completely forgot by the next time we had intercourse.
I have put up with this for around two years now, but it has gotten to the point where the sex makes me so miserable and stressed out that I have to avoid him for days after it happens.
I honestly do not know what else to do.
/"Subway!/" My best friend yells out
This yell knocks me out of my overcrowded mind.
Thank goodness she said something or I would have passed by it.
I carefully pull up in front of the restaurant, parallel parking along the curb.
/"Are you sure that you want to stay in here?/" She asks me
I nod my head with assurance, giving her a small smile.
The blue haired girl gives me a suspicious look, but inevitably drops it when her stomach growls again.
/"Go, I'll wait here for you/" I smile
She nods her head without a second thought before swinging open her car door and hopping down from my truck.
My best friend closes the door behind her body and practically runs towards the fast food place, desperate for a sandwich.
I chuckle at this.
She looks like a flailing chicken when she runs and I love her even more for it.
Just as I begin to calm down the name 'Nicole' flashes across my cellphone screen.
I pick up the cellular device and click on the green button.
/"Hello?/" I answer as I bring the phone up to my ear
/"Did you take the photos? I need to send them in an hour/" the woman stresses
I mentally sigh at her tone.
She sounds annoyed, but also impatient.
/"We just finished up, I'll get them to you on time/" I assure her
The older woman sighs at my response before going silent for a few seconds.
/"Okay,/" she replies, seemingly over it
/"Just email them to me/" she tells me
I hum, feeling a bit confused as to why she is so stressed.
I thought that we had until tomorrow to send the swimwear pictures in.
/"Oh! One last thing,/" I cut in before she hangs up
/"What time is the meeting tomorrow?/" I ask since I forgot to put it down in my calendar
Nicole is silent for a few seconds, the sound of paper flipping meeting my ear.
/"Ten thirty in the morning/" she kindly informs me
I nod my head even though she cannot see me.
I go to thank her only for her to drop the call.
Oh... okay.