

I smoothly roll into my driveway, parking a few feet away from Bea's car.

The two of us silently climb out of my truck, not wanting to disrupt anyone in the complex.

We take no time at all to make our way around my truck.

It is only when I go to walk up to my front door that the blue haired girl stops me from doing so, resting her hand on my bicep.

I furrow my eyebrows with obvious confusion, but turn my body around to face her nonetheless.

/"I know that you said you weren't hungry,/" she starts off

My body immediately freezes at this.


I told her not to get me anything.

/"But I got you something anyway,/" she releases her hold on my clothes bicep before bringing her bag in between our bodies

I watch her as she sticks her hand in the plastic bag, retrieving a neatly wrapped, half foot long sandwich.

She holds the sandwich out to me with a small smile.

I do not move from my spot as I continue to stare at my friend in shock.

/"Bea- I-/" I go to decline her offer

/"You don't have to eat it now, you can save it for later/" she suggests

I hesitate at this suggestion.

Do not get me wrong, of course I want the sandwich!

I love Subway sandwiches!

But I can't eat it.

They won't let me.

/"It's your favorite/" she attempts to persuade

I glance up from the sandwich into Bea's eyes only to immediately regret it.

The blue haired girl is giving me a kind smile, her eyes staring at me with anticipation.

'Don't you dare take that wax paper wrapped log of fat' the voice hisses

If I don't take it then she will ask questions.

I guess that I stare at her for an uncomfortably long period of time judging by the way that her eyes begin to eye me with evident confusion.

An awkward laugh slips past my lips before I get the chance to stop it.

/"Thanks/" I say as I grab the sandwich out of her hand with hesitation

I feel bad for wasting her money.

This is why I did not want her to buy me anything.

The blue haired girl smiles at this action from me.

/"I'll send you the photos as soon as I get home/" she informs me

The two of us say our goodbyes before I make my way towards my front and Bea makes her way towards her car.

I wait until I reach the front door to my apartment to bring my key up to the corresponding keyhole.

It takes me no time at all to unlock the door, twisting the knob and pushing it open once I do so.

I place my keys on the wooden table near the door before closing the large door behind me.


It is oddly quiet in here.

/"Sean?/" I call out as I lock the door behind my body

/"Kitchen!/" I immediately hear him call out

I cannot help but furrow my eyebrows at this as I make my way towards the overlit kitchen.

Why is he hanging out in the kitchen of all places?

Once I reach my destination the first thing my eyes land on is my boyfriend's very muscular, bare back.


That is quite the sight.

/"What are you doing?/" I ask him with genuine curiosity

Before he gets a chance to answer I am making my way towards the shirtless man.

I stroll past one of the kitchen counters and into the kitchen.

My boyfriend, most likely sensing my presence, carefully spins around in his spot.

I stop a few feet in front of him as soon as I notice something in his large hands.

/"Alfredo?/" I ask as my eyes connect with the sauce covered noodles

He gives me a sweet smile as he places the hot pan down on the countertop behind his body.

/"Yeah, we haven't had it in awhile/" he attempts to shrug nonchalantly

A small smile breaks out onto my face.

/"Since our first date/" my smile only widens as I remember that night

The blonde haired man turns to face me again, he shoves his hands into the pockets of his grey sweatpants.

/"I thought that it'd be a nice surprise,/" he elaborates

I continue to stare up at his well sculpted face with awe.

/"We haven't seen each other in a few days and I know how much you love Alfredo/" he nervously mutters underneath his breath

I take a few steps forward so that I am now standing a few inches in front of the nervous boy.

My lips sought out his.

I gently press my lips against his slightly dryer ones.

/"I actually like nachos more, but I appreciate the effort/" I chuckle as soon as I pull away

The blonde groans at this with obvious pain.

/"I'm sorry, I could have sworn-/" he begins to apologize

I cut him off before he gets the chance to finish his sentence.

/"Don't worry about it,/" I assure him

A silence falls over the two of us.

At this sudden silence I awkwardly glance down at my feet, the sandwich in my hands obstructing my view.

Well, there is no need to let this perfect sandwich go to waste.

/"I actually got this for you/" I hand him the beautifully wrapped sandwich

A grateful smile breaks out onto his face.

/"Thanks baby/" he says with a genuine tone

I allow him to remove the sandwich from my outstretched hand, taking it into his own.

I stay silent and choose to give him a small smile, feeling a wave of sickness wash over me.

/"I think that I'm just going to go to sleep/" I tell him

I notice the blonde's face contort with confusion.

I do not give him the chance to ask any further questions as I turn around on my heels and make my way towards the bedroom.

As soon as I am safely within the confines of our bedroom my smile falls off my face almost instantaneously.

Lately, I feel like all of my smile have been fake.

I guess that is a side effect of this type of lifestyle.