I nervously bring my bottom lip in between my teeth as I make my way towards her, silently wrapping my arms around her her midsection once I reach her.
I rest my cheek against her chest as I hold onto her.
It takes a lot more energy than you would think to not look straight into a camera that is a foot or two away from your face.
The raven haired girl is frozen for a few seconds before inevitably wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
The two of us just stay like this for awhile.
/"You are a huge dummy, you know that?/" I eventually sigh out
My best friend laughs at me, not taking my insult seriously.
/"I know/" she chuckles
My face continues to display that of pure worry.
/"You constantly worry me, dummy/" I quietly whisper out once she finishes laughing
Due to my effort of trying to hold back my tears my voice cracks halfway through my sentence.