

There is a rumor going around that there is going to be a child on set today.

This supposed child is going to be playing my adopted daughter, who I legally did not adopt, but instead found in an abandoned daycare.

All I have to say about this is that Elaine has an insane life.

I slyly fix my dress due to its short length.

I am currently dressed in a thin, flowy white dress that ends around my mid thighs. The top of the dress resembles that of a corset or bustier, especially with the way that it sucks everything in while also making my boobs pop. The flowy sleeves are slightly see through as they pool around my wrists. They gave me a basic pair of black converse to wear with it, styling my brunette hair in spiral curls.

I try my best not to laugh at the humorous faces that Hunter is making into her cellphone's camera.