I immediately rush over towards the raven haired girl when my eyes land on her.
/"Genevieve/" I whisper as I reach her cell
The raven haired girl glances up at me from the uncomfortable looking bed.
Her brown eyes widen when they land on me.
/"Lainey, you shouldn't be here/" she hisses as she stands and makes her way towards me
I furrow my eyebrows at her.
/"Are you serious?!/" I ask
She worriedly glances behind me where the door is located.
/"Lainey, you need to get out of here/" the brunette tells me with a hard tone
I cannot help the hurt facial expression that graces my facial features.
/"No, I am not going to allow her to execute you/" I tell her stubbornly
The girl rolls her eyes at me.
/"I was the one who pretended to be a man,/"
/"The law clearly states that I have to be executed/" she shrugs
I glare at her.
Is she seriously not going to fight for her life?