


/"And as you walk out of that door, walk out of my life as well./"

Those words kept playing in my mind. I couldn't concentrate on my driving. I kept running my fingers through my hair in frustration. I could tell she was lying. I knew her so well. I could tell when she was lying and when she was not. The look in her eyes...she could hardly look at me.

And Dahlia? She is such a lovely child. I can't get my mind off her. Asking for a DNA test would simply be an insult to Tori. I mean, I've not been there for the past four years. Not that it was intentional. I really tried to get in contact with her, but to no avail. Dahlia could be nothing above four years old and my heart kept telling me she was mine. But how could I prove it?

Goodness Ian, do you really think you're responsible for her child. You were half way across the world and now you show up and think your ex lover's child is yours?