


The week passed by so fast and it was already Monday morning. I looked at my daughter in her new school uniform. She looked so pretty. I enrolled her in the same school with Bella. At least, she should know someone so she won't be lonely. I became teary eyed looking at my little princess as she kept posing happily for me. She was beyond excited to start school.

/"I look great, right momma?/" She asked in a cheerful mood.

I smiled and nodded, pulling her into a bear hug. /"You're so beautiful. I bet you'd be the prettiest girl in your class./" I told her, increasing my hold.

Honestly, I was scared. On one hand, I was glad that she was finally starting school. But on the other hand, I was scared. Scared because she'll be so far away from me. What if she needs something? What if the other kids at school make fun of her for not having a father? My poor baby.

/"Momma, I can't breathe./" She said in a small tone.