


I just shook my head in disbelief and walked away. How could she be talking about love when Ian was missing? How did love to get into the issue? I shrugged it off and changed into a pair of jeans and hoody. I also wore my boots and cap. It was really getting cold out there and I needed to be prepared. I packed my ID card, some cash and other necessities into my purse and went over to Dahlia. /"Baby?/"

She looked up at me from her iPad. /"Yes mommy? Is Mr. Ian here now? Can we go now? Is that why you're all dressed up./"

I sighed and sat close to her. /"No baby, daddy isn't here but I'm about to go bring him. Umm, his car broke down in the middle of nowhere so I have to go help him./" I came up with the best possible lie.

/"Can I go with you?/" She asked with puppy dog eyes. She really wanted to go out today.