


/"Ian.../" I called out for the second time as I slowly opened the door. I really hope he's in here cause I wouldn't know what to do if he's not. And to think I sent Zach away. /"Ian are you in here?/" I asked as I shut the door behind me but got no answer. The house was so beautiful. The aura was perfect although very cold. I surveyed the area and took a few more steps ahead. /"'s Tori. Are you in here?/" I asked, my heart starting to race. I heard some sounds and cautiously followed it and stopped when I saw him sitting in front of a fire place. /"Ian?/"

/"I never expected you to come here./" Was all he said, not bothering to turn around.

I didn't know what to say. I also didn't expect to come here myself. I shrugged. /"Well I did. I'm here now./"

/"Why?/" He asked, still staring intently at the fire.