

Going to bed that night, I prayed to see her again but she never came that night, the next night nor the one that follows until a year after, where I saw myself playing in our garden, hitting the ball at our building and then stopped feeling exhausted. So I sat down on the stairs, enjoying the cool breeze of our garden. When I sited a kitten which sat quietly on the ground, looking directly at me. It fur was white and black and that made my heart thuds faster, it was as if I knew she was there.

I got up slowly toward the cat which went out of reach immediately I reached out to it and rushed toward a corner.

Without wasting any seconds I followed and that was when I saw a figure bending down to pet the kitten and raised her head when she realized they weren't alone.

It was her I thought /"Hi/" I said but got know reply /"hello/"

/"It has been a long time Tao seo, I'm just here to check on you/"

/"I'm okay, what about you?/"