

Two bad things happened in grade 7. The first one was general, it was about my class mate, Bae kae, who was kidnapped and injured mercilessly and the second one deals with me and Chun jo. Few weeks after the first incidence I and Chun jo had a disagreement. It wasn't our first but it was the toughest, it was about the new boy in class, who Chun jo was desperate to befriend and that made me jealous I don't know what they see in him, as if he is handsome. I thought and even if that was my thought I knew it was the truth. Jeremy was the cutest in our class and I also would have wanted to be his friend, if not for Chun jo who was now slipping away from my finger. So I challenged her.

/"I don't want you to be friend with that boy/"




/"He is not as good as he will make you people believe/"