

After the new year eve, everything was normal. Always gum chewing So hyun sat at the front of the class, rubbing her palm on her cheek absently and so was Kim and his bullying mate sitting comfortably at the back of the class as if they were the one who gathered all of us into the classroom. Chun jo had changed her sit with a girl who tinted her hair blonde which I found annoying because I always go home with my bag full of her hair.

Even though I hardly speak to Chun jo I still pray she will come back to me. On the other hand,Jeremy had always tried to be My friend but it was me who ignored him. So one afternoon in the month of February I got determined and waited for Chun jo outside the school gate.

/"Good afternoon/" I said as she and Jeremy passed.

/"Good afternoon Tao seo/" she said not even taken a glance at me.

/"Chun jo/"


/"I will like to speak to you/"

/"I'm all ears/"