

I couldn't sleep the whole night. I took three good cold shower but still found no relieve in it. On one side, I was happy that I shared my problem with my parents but one the other side - the bad side - I was scared that i'd exposed their life to danger and that other side was the side that was giving me the headache.

I later fell asleep around 4:00am and woke up to the sound that was coming from the door. Someone was knocking on my door and I concluded it was going to be my dad due to the roughness of the knock.

I checked my wristwatch which says it was 7:45am and I lazily forced myself into a sitting position. I was awoke but half conscious of what was happening around me until my dad's voice sounded through the door.

/"Taoseo, are you awake?/"

/"Yes, dad/" I replied lazily but loud enough because I knew he wasn't going to leave my door until he heard my voice. /" You don't have to worry anymore, I'm fully awake/"