

I looked toward the podium or let me say the alter for the time being because their was a pastor on it, who was preaching to the couples. I got up slowly trying not to attract people's attention but did the opposite because I felt every pairs of eyes on me immediately my foots gripped the ground. I scanned the hall, trying to confirmed that she wasn't in the hall before walking out of it.

/"Tao seo. Calm down. Are you sure you didn't get people mixed up/" Micheal said. Micheal was alongside me toward the back entrance of the hall and I didn't even realized it until he spoke.

/"I know what I saw. My eyes haven't started betraying me/" I snapped.

Micheal said not a word after that and I felt sorry for blaming him for it.

We searched every corner and everywhere we could but found none of them. I was still angry but no longer at Micheal because he'd been helping me since we came out of the hall in order to find the girls.