

Being in the last year was as tedious as anything could be with my project and presentation but that does not make me forgot Cynthia for once or the way she was the last time I saw her.

I was restless. I wasn't comfortable with Cynthia's condition the last time I saw her and I prayed to see her again which I was granted two days before my last paper.

I saw myself on the same green lawn we used less than two years ago. Which made it thrice and made me started wondering the reason why we were using the lawn again.

Few seconds later, I saw Cynthia coming from that exact edge I knew she will be coming from, looking weaker than the last time I saw her, although she was trying all her best to cover it up but her paled face gave her away.

/"Cynthia/" I called rushing toward her, trying to support her but she held up her hand as a signal that she was okay.

/"Tao seo/" /"Cynthia/" we chorused.