

/"Tao seo/" she said releasing me from the best hug I ever had. /"I love you/"

/"I love you too Cynthia. I truly do. Please don't leave me/" I begged. Even though this was the first time I ever said that word out, I knew it was the truth, that I've always loved her.

/"I love you so.../" but I was unable to finished the sentence because she had started kissing me, kissing me with hunger. It was a kiss that said it all. How much she wanted me. How much she loved me. How much she was going to miss me. How sorry she was that we were not going to be together. How sorry she was that she was leaving me. I felt the heat spreading through my veins and my brain could not process anything but the kiss. If I was going to rate the kiss in percentage, I was going to rate it 200 percent without thinking twice because it was the best kiss I've ever had and Yena's kiss be damned.