

Life is crazy until the raincoat breaks


Over the next year and a half, we settled into family life. Payton was hitting all his milestones. It was interesting to see him do every single one. It amazes me how a tiny human can learn things for the first time.

Things were better than ever between Piper and me until we ran into a slight issue. That happened one night when we had been enjoying ourselves a little too much. Once we finished, I removed the raincoat only to find it broken. Well, shit.

/"What’s wrong, Lex?/"

/"The raincoat broke./" I sighed.


/"It broke, Piper!/"

That wasn’t what I expected, and I didn’t need my temper flaring with her. I sat there and ran my hand through my hair in frustration. She touched me as I sighed.

/"Lex, it’ll be okay. If we end up with another one, then so be it./"

/"I can deal with kids. Your moodiness, not so much./"