

Here comes baby two, Parker Gray


Piper went into labor, and we ended up at the hospital. There was a lot of yelling and screaming. I screamed as she tried to crush my hand while yelling at me. Did I tell you my wife is a lunatic while in labor? She tried to rip off my nuts when she delivered Payton.

I’m sure the hospital staff wasn’t happy with us. What can I say? When you’re a Gray, things are nuts.

She delivered our son, and I brought everyone into the room. I knew they wouldn’t wait for us to announce his arrival.

They walked into Piper’s room, and I took the baby from Piper while holding him, introducing him to his brother. Payton placed his little hand on him and said, /"Brother./" That made me smile.

/"So, what did you name him?/" Dad asked us.

/"Say hello to Parker Nixon Gray,/" I said.

/"You named your son after me?/" Nixon asked.