

We’re getting company again


Shawn sat on the couch, bound and gagged after grandpa and our uncles brought him into the house. We stood there as ma and pops figured out why?

/"Let me get this straight. You kidnapped someone and brought the person here, hoping that they relent and stay?/" Pops asked them.

/"We like to refer to it as helping an indecisive person decide what is best for them,/" grandpa told him.

/"How did I become the dumping ground for strays?/" Pops asked him.

/"Because the five of us finished raising kids. When you kid got your lives, we realized we enjoy having an empty nest,/" grandpa told him.

I saw pops’ left eye twitch, and ma added, /"It will be fine, well, at least I hope it will be fine./" She didn’t sound too sure of herself. I couldn’t blame her, considering the many runs-ins we had with Shaun, especially the twins.