

A sweet Love


For Valentine’s Day, I took Selena to the bakery to spend the evening with her. She loves cupcakes, and I love her. So, what better way than spending it in a place that makes her happy?

My brothers had no plans. I figure this would give me a chance to spend some time alone with Selena and away from them. We went into the bakery, and I surprised her with a candlelight dinner and some sweet treats.

I earned bonus points in my boyfriend's department. My brothers could learn a few things from me. Then they wouldn’t be so miserable. It’s a known fact, all girls like romance and the gestures don’t have to be big, but something they enjoy. Selena enjoys cupcakes.

We sat down at the table as she lifted the lid off her plate.

/"Nothing says I love you like a burger and fries,/" she giggled.

/"I call it the Parker special,/" I grinned.

She smiled back at me. /"I like the Parker special./"