

Spring break here we come


Spring break arrived, and we went to Myrtle Beach for the week. I’m surprised ma and pops let us go since it’s us. I’m guessing they needed a break.

It took us some time to arrive, but when we did, we all settled in. I also crashed from the drive. The minute my head hit the pillow, I was out.


Everyone slept, leaving me the only one awake. That was nothing new with us. Every trip we took, the minute we arrived, my family took a siesta. I headed out to the beach.

I walked along the shoreline as the water hit my feet. As much as I love my brothers, sometimes it’s nice to have time alone, especially when you’re a twin. I mean, hell, I shared a home with Pax for nine months. I walked along the shoreline when I heard someone call my name, /"Patton?/"

I stopped and turned to see Britt.

/"What are you doing here?/" She asked.