

Life decisions and prom


After we returned from spring break, a prom frenzy broke out. People were going nuts over this. I didn’t understand it since it was one dance. I asked Selena because I knew she wanted to go. I thought she wanted to go. She didn’t care about prom.

/"Are you sure you don’t want to go?/" I asked her.

She looked at me. /"Parker, after homecoming, I’m good with not attending school dances. Plus, everyone gets crazy about it./"

/"Did he ask you?/" Some girl said to another.

/"Yep, and I can’t wait,/" the other girl answered. We watched different people get asked. Fights broke out between couples because girls didn’t get a promposal. Whatever the hell that was?

/"See, they have made my point,/" she said with a look. I chuckled.