

Family visit


I finished breakfast and took a drive. It’s what I did when I felt things were too much. I pulled into a cemetery and drove down one road until I came to a spot. I got out of the car and walked over to the snow cover ground, crouching down as I brush the snow away with my glove.

I looked at the headstone, which read:

Sadie Langford

Loving daughter, flying with the Angels

Sadie flew with the angels along with my heart. I put flowers into the cup holder, which was her favorite flower, Lilies. I stood up and looked at her headstone, thinking about that day. I thought about that day every day. She would turn twenty-two, and we would be in college together, then married with kids.

We had so many plans, and one day, it vanished. I wiped my eyes and turned to leave when I saw Ma standing there. I walked up to her.

/"What are you doing here?/" I asked.