

A party


Tonight, we were going to a party. I prefer to stay at home and read. Markus tried to persuade me, then enlisted the brothers to help. I don’t know why I needed to go, but then again, someone is running their mouths, earning a beat down. I can’t stand ignorant people.

I showed up and met up with the brothers and Markus. Parker handed me a cup, and I looked at him.

/"Relax, it’s pop. I can’t drink, remember?/" Parker reminded me. I took a drink, and yeah, it’s pop. I don’t drink and hate the taste of alcohol.

We stood around as music played, and people partied. This shit is boring. I went to get fresh air, going onto the back deck, and leaned against the railing, staring off into the night sky. It was still cold, but I didn’t care. Anything was better than being around a bunch of people I didn’t know.

I stood there as I heard a door open and close. I turned to see the girl from the bakery.