

New partner


Classes started, and so did my current shift. I tried to sleep as much as I could, but I struggled. Since the night that Eliza died, I couldn’t sleep. Between the nightmares and hallucinations, along with my family, sleep became difficult.

I showed up for my shift and met with Chief Hayes.

/"Gray, let me introduce you to your new partner. This is Kaylee Hayes,/" the chief introduced us.

Kaylee held out her hand to me, and I looked at it. She retracted her hand.

/"Kaylee became certified this summer,/" the chief said. /"We couldn’t be prouder of her./" The chief hugged Kaylee. She smiled; I didn’t.

/"It’s nice to meet you, Gray,/" Kaylee said.

/"Kaylee can teach you things, so I would pay attention,/" the chief said, walking away.

I stood there, unamused.

/"Don’t mind my dad. He acts gruff, but he’s a marshmallow,/" Kaylee mentioned.