

Sweet dreams


After two weeks, I settled into a routine. I went to school, slept, and worked. I became used to Kaylee’s talkative nature but still didn’t say much to her. I let her do most of the talking.

I continued my counseling sessions with Dr. Shaw. Maverick recommended the doctor to me. I would see his son, but Maverick informed me that Dr. Shaw is better equipped to handle grief.

My dreams got weirder every time I slept. Do you know how disturbing it is to talk to a woman who’s dead? It’s alarming.

I felt something hit me in the face, startling me awake. I opened my eyes and jolted up to see Grammy Gray standing there.

/"It’s about time that you woke up,/" Grammy told me.

/"Don’t you have people to haunt?/" I questioned.

/"I have many people in this family to haunt, but I chose you,/" Grammy answered, grinning.

I looked at Grammy with annoyance.