

Recovery is iffy


After coming home from the hospital, I was homebound because of my recovery. I also had to attend physical therapy. Lucky me.

Since I couldn’t attend class, I had to take incompletes for the semester. I also couldn’t work. This left me frustrated because we had bills. Paige assured me everything would be fine. I swear that woman needs her head examined.

She also got everyone to help me when she wasn’t home. Now she does need her head examined. What on God’s great earth would she have people help me, as my friends? Is she insane? Does she have a fever?

Of course, we argued, and I told her she could help me in other ways. She smacked me on the head with a pillow. I swear the woman has no sense of humor. I was the one that got the shit end of the stick for Christ’s sakes, and I have needs, lots of needs. Like only ones that she can meet. Catch my drift?

