

Fishing logic


My dad wasn’t kidding when he said we were going fishing. He pulled into the dock’s parking lot and got out. I followed him to two fishing poles set up.

He picked up a pole and cast the line into the water.

/"Why are we here?/" I asked him.

/"I told you, we were going fishing./"


/"Bella, there are two things you need to understand. One, not everyone that fishes have the best intentions, and two, you can’t eat every fish./"


/"Let me explain. You have the ones that fish and know what to eat. Then you have the ones that fish to fish. They don’t care./" Dad glanced at me.

My gut told me that this was about more than fishing.

/"The fisherman will cast their lines, hook, and reel in the fish. Then they will discard them like nothing. There’s no water, and the fish flop around until they die. These are the ones you want to stay away from./"