



With Homecoming around the corner, I had to find a dress. Brila and Mariana dragged me to a store and told me I needed to look extra lovely. For whom? The punch bowls.

The girls helped me to find a dress. Ty apologized many times. It still didn’t change the fact that Andrew broke up with me. I don’t know why Ty did it, and Andrew didn’t ask.

Then Christian couldn’t take a hint to save his life. Every time I turned around, he was there. Christian’s presence made me feel uneasy. Finally, I had enough and told him so. My response didn’t go over well with him.

He shoved me up against the lockers and pinned me against them.

/"Listen, you little bitch. I’ve had enough of you and your friend’s shit. You’re going to Homecoming with me, or there will be enormous problems for you,/" he said in my ear.

I glared at him. /"You can’t force me to do anything, you weasel./"