

A failure to communicate


Do you know how you’re always looking for something, but you can never find it because your dad cleans your room? Yeah, that is me when Gavin threatens to clean my room and hides my stuff. In his words, /"I warned you./"

I searched for my keys as my phone rang. I pulled out my phone to see Brandon Face Timing me. What does he want? I answered the phone.

/"What?/" I asked.

/"Someone’s moody,/" Brandon said.

/"Yeah, well, Gavin hid my car keys./"

/"Because you didn’t bother to clean your room. It’s your fault./"

/"Yeah, yeah, I never listen, and everything’s my fault./"

/"How’s it going with the situation with Coop?/"

/"We’re making progress./"

Brandon arched his eyebrow.

/"Okay, we’re not making progress, but I enlisted help./"



/"Isn’t she that crazy chick from last year?/"