

/"Come boy, let them talk to each other./" The lady who had shown me and Ethan the way, motioned for Ethan to follow him and they both walked out the door.

I didn't pay them any attention and slowly walked towards the vacant seat beside Eva. /"Hi/", I whispered, this moment so inexplicably comfortable and awkward. She cooed at the baby, smiled at me and gestured for me to sit. I lowered myself to the couch and waited for Eva to zip up her dress and tuck her breasts back inside.

/"Do you want to hold her?/" She asked me gently and before I could deny, the small girl was handed in my arms. She was so small and so pretty that I couldn't believe that she was Harper's baby sister. If things between me and Harper had been good, me and this amazing little baby could have been relatives.

/"She's so pretty./" I whispered, my attention riveted on the small girl.