

Jess could not believe what she was reading, each page she turned she thought that she could not be any more shocked, but then she flipped to the next page. The books she was read was meant for wolves who are mated to other wolves, so the boys told her that not everything would be so accurate as what the book said, but she was still astonished. Jess was currently sitting on the long sofa in the boy’s office as they worked. Jess just finished the last page, before she closed the book and made her way to the Alpha who sat closes to her Raymond and Matthew. She moved next to Raymond and sat on her heels, trying to get to his eye level, he turned to Jess, watching her strange action. Jess just sat next to him, staring at him with big eyes.

/"Can I help you with something?/" Raymond said completely thrown off by her actions. Jess frowned at his question.