

/"Are you really going to do this?/" Xavier asked as he looked at Matthew and Raymond moving the sofa and Joshua who looked at them. Matthew was the first one who of course agreed with Jess’s plan, but strangely enough Raymond also agreed, and Joshua didn’t argue, which basically means yes to him.

/"Come on, Xavier. It’s going to be fun./" Jess said as she brought more blankets and pillows. He sighed and rolled his eyes, realizing that he already lost the battle.

/"Fine, but then I’ll need liquid courage./" Xavier said and walked out of the room only to return later with glasses in his hand and a bottle filled with a brown liquid inside. He poured some of the liquid in three glasses and handed them to his brother, before pouring himself a glass and finding a place to sit. Jess looked at all of them drinking the liquid and frowned.