In Which There Is Hope

#Chapter43 In Which There Is Hope

Noah woke up or more like gained consciousness with a start as the steel plate slid in front of him along with a glass of water with a loud clank.

/"You got five minutes to finish this up, I don't get spare time to wait for you to finish up/" the man standing guard at the warehouse spat out while Noah didn't pay him any heed as he dug into the plain biker rice greedily and chugged down the glass of water almost immediately.

It was the only meal he would get for the day.

It has been two weeks since he was captured and tortured every day since then, each time different methods that had him crying in agony but his stubborn ass never begged, only cheeses back at Merub Khaos.

He had several broken bones in his body and even moving an inch took him a great deal of effort as he finished his food clean off the steel plate.