In Which They Kick Ass

#Chapter44 In Which They Kick Ass

/"I still don't understand why you let Bluebell come along, and did the Major say nothing of it?/" Hayden questioned looking at Bluebell from the rearview mirror who gave him a cute glare at his comment to which he winked at in return.

/"I wasn't gonna stay behind /" she spoke for herself this time.

/"She is right, I knew that and her dad knew that so instead of arguing and wasting precious time over it we decided to just bring her with as plus once we find Noah, he might need her there, the man is head over heels for hers/" Nate said and Bluebell blushed at his comment.

She couldn't wait to be in Noah's arms.

/"God I gotta say I have to meet this Noah guy, he is one lucky bastard to have her/" Hayden mumbled but Nate caught onto it , however, he didn't say anything cause didn't he already know it.

Soon enough they stopped near an abandoned gas station but at a safe distance.