

Castiel's pov:

/"No Castiel. Look at the price tag; I can get three tops from the money you will pay for this one top!/" Emma protested.

God why doesn't she understand that I can pay for all these things easily.

Each time I pick up something she protests that it is so expensive.

/"Look muffin, just pick up what you like I can surely pay for it./" I said sighing in defeat because this wasn't getting us both anywhere.

After picking some tops and shorts that were of the lowest prices, we paid and went out of the shop. I will ask my secretary to buy some more dresses and shoes for her.

As we were on the third floor, Emma squealed and ran towards the ice-skating podium, she pressed her nose on the glass of the podium and watched with excitement and she had such a glint in her eyes that melted me.

/"Wanna go ice skating muffin?/" I asked and I swear when I asked, her excitement was almost radiating off her.