

Emma's pov:

Currently I am sitting on the couch in Castiel's place and Castiel is pacing around the living room back and forth, I thought he would take me to the hospital to get my arm treated, but instead he brought us home and called a doctor who is said to be his personal family doctor and one of the best. My arm hurts but I don't think it's dislocated or broken.

As we were waiting for the doctor, the doorbell rang and I was about to get up and get the door when Castiel said, /"Are you insane? You have an injured arm, sit down. I'm getting the door./" He said pushing me down slightly to make me sit and I just huffed.

/"So miss Emma how did this happen?/" The doctor asked while examining my arm, I was about to answer, but Castiel beat me to it. /"Some moron knocked her down while ice skating./" He said with venom which sent shivers down my spine and the doctor to audibly gulped.