

Emma's pov:

Since I got into the covers, all I am doing is turning and tossing around.

It's like there is this boogie man stopping me from sleeping, but the boogie man actually is Castiel, who is sleeping in the room across mine while I am here tossing alone in the bed.

I turned around again this time to my right and the next thing I know is, I am off the bed with a loud thud.

Ugh I didn't even know that I was at the corner of the bed, suddenly the door burst open making me yelp in surprise as Castiel came in view.

/"Hey what happened? Are you alright? Why are you on the floor? Are you hurt?/" He said rushing down towards my side.

/"Slow down Casanova. I just fell off the bed, nothing serious./" He shook his head in disapproval and helped me up.

/"I didn't know you were awake?/" I asked.

/"Yeah, just couldn't sleep knowing the fact that you are across the room./" He said truthfully and I bit my lower lip.