

/"ALEXIS ARE YOU LISTENING?/" Asher snapped his fingers in front of me and I snapped out of my thoughts.

/"Sorry, but what did you say?/" I asked.

I felt bad for zoning out on him but I just couldn't help it. My mind had been wandering about that almost kiss that Nick and I nearly shared. But the real was did I want him to kiss? I wasn't so sure anymore.

/"I asked where you went on Friday after school,/" he said once more. /"I came to your place after practice but your mum said you weren't home so I called James and he, apparently, didn't know hence I ended up calling you but you also didn't pick up./"

/"Oh, I went out,/" I replied as we maneuverer our way in the school hallways.

/"With who?/"

/"A friend./"

/"Which friend?/" he asked as he pulled me to a stop by his locker. /"Because as far as I know, I'm your only friend./"

/"Why do you want to know?/" I smirked. It was fun messing with him at times.