

THE WEEK FLEW by quicker than I expected. Each day after school, Nick and I would meet up in the library or coffee shop to study for the decathlon.

We were growing more closer to each other than I thought possible and I felt this strange feeling each time I was around him or whenever he would smile at me or gaze at me when we studied.

I didn't know what the feeling was but I liked it-not in a weird sense. But it made me feel good.

It was finally time for the decathlon and I was beyond terrified and nervous. For starters, I didn't want to make us lose by answering a question wrong or worse still-failing to answer a question all together.

/"Alexis look at me,/" Nick said as he placed his hands on my shoulders and used his index finger to tip my chin up. /"Breath./"

I didn't realise I was holding my breath the entire time and I took a huge breath of air.