

He stops at a door opening it. I look inside. /"Main bathroom/" He says, showing me inside before tugging me to another door near the end of the long hallway before the corner turns.

/"My office, if you can’t find me. I am usually in here, but until you can be trusted you remain with me/" He says looking down at me. He tugs me around the corner leading onto another hall, the house seemed neverending. He stops at a glass door before pushing it open. /"Infirmary/" He says, showing me inside. My heart skips a beat when I see the steel table in the middle of the room, jars of different liquid on the shelves reminding me of the table they would strap us to before injecting multiple things into us or removing things from us. Adrenaline hitting me as my heart races. My wolf lurching forward a growl escaping me as she presses forward ready to attack when he stops trying to pull me in the room. Instead looking down at me.