

Tense silence remained for most of the day. Ryker barely acknowledged my existence and was still angry from breakfast. When his brothers came home from wherever they went they walked into his office with annoyed expressions on their faces.

Ryker looks at them. I watched their silent exchange and I could see they were doing that mind talking Ryker told me about. I had sat in the same position on the small chair all day watching him glare at his computer screen and the numerous papers on his desk.

Ryker suddenly stands up before realising I was in the room. /"Get up, I need to sort something/" He says and I hurriedly get to my feet, eager to be able to get off this damn chair that turned my bum numb.

/"We can watch her?/" Tyson says looking at me.

/"I wouldn’t trust you to watch a goldfish/" Ryker tells him. The boy growls at him and Ryker motions for me to follow with his hand when the other boy speaks up.