

/"My lady.../" He began

/"Why was it that when I tried to get close to you I saw a garden?/" she asked and he frowned

/"I do not know what you are talking about my lady, I was bending to kill the stag and then you called me and I turned and answered to you, you didn't say anything and that was when I walked closer to you/" he explained

/"Why are you out here in the night?/" She asked

/"I came to check my traps, it’s been long I checked them and then I heard this stag whimpering and I know my trap caught it so I went to release it from the trap, that was when I heard you calling so I quickly stabbed the stag to free it from its pain/" he explained and she look at him, she saw the bloody dagger in his hand and considered his explanation, it fits in perfectly but what she cannot understand is how she saw the garden, she looked at Alex and he was looking sad