other!/" A little boy of about seven years old with long black hair and beautiful gray eyes but which was filled with tears shouted, he rushed to a beautiful slender woman with long hair and gray eyes, who was lying on the floor with blood oozing from her mouth, she seemed to be in a serious pain for her eyes was lightly closed, the little boy carried her head in his little arms as the tears drops from his eyes.
/"Mother, mother/" he cried with her head resting on his legs, the woman looked weak as she gently raised her hand to wipe his tears away
/"Be...be...a..good..son Alexander..my Al...my Alex...my beau..tiful...Alex/" she coughed, in as much she was speaking in a whisper, he could hear everything she said /"I love you.. My son..I will always...do/" she coughed out blood again /"do not.../" She was saying but her voice couldn't be heard again